About Pietra Grey Marble

Pietra Grey Marble is one the most famous and probably oldest used marble from Iran. Iranian Pietra Grey has been used firstly in ancient stone made tools, kitchen utilities and some of the Iranian famous monuments were made using Pietra Grey Marble. 


Pietra Grey Marble is the best supplier and exporter of various sorts of Pietra Grey Marble and other natural stones from Iran to different countries in the region.

We supply our clients with high quality Pietra Grey marble and reasonable price through our international channels from Iran’s best quarries.

We have showroom and distribution hub in Muscat, Oman and we will be able to supply and ship the needed material from these hubs. Pietra Grey Marble also welcomes any collaboration offer with quarry owners, factories and also traders in natural stone as we are flexible in defining new lines of mutual business in this field. 

Please contact us to get more information about us!


Pietra Grey Marble

Why supplying from Us?!

We Care about Quality

We supply our clients with high quality natural marble and reasonable price through our international channels from Iran’s best materials.

Targeting your Demand

We have flexblity in supply of different sort of marble and we provide each customer with customized solutions and offers based on their demands.

Diversity in Supply Range

We have access to diverse range of Pietra Grey Marble quarries in Iran and each quarry has different sorts and color diversifications of pietra grey marble.

Marble is our Passion!

We have been in marble industry for generations and Pietra Grey Marble has a long heritage in supply and export, and that is why natural stone is our Passion.

Pietra Grey Marble is our profession!

2 replies
  1. Clara
    Clara says:

    I need about 1000 sqm pietra grey marble with 2 cm thickness and size of 60 by 60 cm. Please give me the price for that for Italian market


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